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Melzer Green_LogoStandingLionel is the Principal of Meltzer Green with nearly 35 years of commercial law, insolvency and commercial litigation experience. Lionel is qualified in both Law and Accountancy having graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1977.

Following his admission to practice, Lionel worked as a Corporate Counsel to two large public companies, which gave him in exposure to corporate and commercial legal issues very early in his career. Lionel then established the practice of Meltzer Green in 1985 as a specialised commercial law firm.

Lionel has a very realistic, commercial approach to solving legal problems. This very practical approach, combined with his highly specialised knowledge and commercial experience, often results in success when others have given up. Lionel has developed a loyal client base of both companies and individuals who seek his counsel.

Meltzer Green has particular expertise in commercial litigation, insolvency and bankruptcy and commercial debt recovery. Meltzer Green also advises clients in respect of a wide range of commercial matters including partnership disputes, joint ventures and matters arising out of the Corporations Act

As the Principal of Meltzer Green, Lionel regularly acts for Administrators, Liquidators, Receivers and Trustees, insolvent companies, directors and bankrupts in respect of:

  • Preference claims;
  • Voidable and uncommercial transactions;
  • Insolvent trading claims;
  • Examinations under both Corporations Law and Bankruptcy Act;
  • Advices on a full range of both corporate and personal insolvency matters.

Lionel regularly appears as counsel in both the Supreme Court and the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia. Lionel has great skill as a negotiator, and will employ a variety of dispute resolution techniques to the best advantage of his clients.

Over the years Meltzer Green has represented a wide range of insolvency practitioners and corporate clients from large public companies through to small businesses and sole traders. These have been from a variety of industries including manufacturing, food retailing, printing, professional services, property developers, financial services and the liquor industry. In particular Meltzer Green has represented two large public companies for more than 15 years, and liaises with their executive management and legal departments. Lionel receives constant referrals from other Solicitors who recognise him as a specialist in this area.

Lionel is regularly invited to deliver papers in respect of all aspects of insolvency and corporate debt recovery to credit bureaux, accountancy groups and industry groups.

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    The insolvency and commercial litigation firms of
    will merge on 1 July 2022 to form
    A new law firm with over 90 years’ experience!
    LIONEL GREEN will be the Principal of the new firm and
    ROBIN BROBERG will be a Consultant
    until his retirement at the end of 2022.

    For all referrals and agency work contact Lionel Green on 03 9607 5900 or lgreen@meltzergreenbroberg.com.au